
Sunday, March 13, 2011


O God, listen to my cry!
Hear my prayer!
From the ends of the earth,
I cry to you for help,
when my heart is overwhelmed.
Lead me to the towering rock of safety,
for you are my safe refuge,
a fortress where my enemies cannot
reach me.
Let me live forever in your sanctuary,
safe beneath the shelter of your wings!

For you have heard my vows, O God.
You have given me an inheritance
reserved for those who fear your
Add many years to the life of the king!
May his years span the generations!
May he reign under God's protection
May your unfailing love and
faithfulness watch over him.
Then I will sing praises to your name
as I fulfill my vows each day.

-Psalm 61

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today, I saw this and it truly is worth sharing with everyone. Most have probably heard and/or read something like this before, but the way I saw it put today I just adored. Four simple life lessons and that's all.

Dance like no one is watching.
Sing like no one is listening.
Love like you have never been hurt before.
Live like today is your last.

It's one of those things that really makes you think about life and how you live yours. What if we all lived our life like this?


Last night, or really all yesterday, we had really stormy weather. I say last night in particular because that's when it was the worst. After being up late studying and doing homework and what not, I was finally able to lay down around 2 a.m. Yes, I realize how late that is but in my own defense, schoolwork is JAM PACKED this week seeing how it is the end of the 3rd 9 weeks and next week it Spring Break '11! Anyways, I wasn't all that tired so I ended up flipping between channels until about 3:15. Around this time was when our power went out. I flipped. Thankfully it came back on about a minute later and I resumed watching Chefs vs. City. However, it did not stay back on for long. From this point on, the power would go off for about 30 seconds and then come back on for another 30 seconds. After doing this about 5 times it finally went out and stayed out. I was NOT a happy camper. I hate the darkness and I especially hate being in the dark alone (which is why I typically have my closet light on at night). If I were to wake up in the middle of the night, I like to see everything in my room. I guess what I really don't like about the darkness is the fact that it's more of an unknown. I know that more than likely there really is nothing in my room. It's the fact that I can't see it and be sure because I constantly feel like there is something there when I am in the dark. After staring wide-eyed into the darkness 'til around 4, I think I finally dozed off until I woke back up again around 4:50 when the power came back on. Good news was that it was a Wednesday today so we didn't have to be at school until a hour and 10 minutes passed the usual time. I wasn't tired today at school, but I know I will be when night time rolls around and it's time to study for my cumulative history test tomorrow... Oh joy. It's okay though because we have all next week off for SB '11! I can't wait!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So, I made a post previously that talked about things a had bought on eBay to save money. However, I failed to mention that you can sell too (as most people probably already know though). Where does this lead me to? The fact that I am now selling things on eBay to help save up money for my car.

I feel like my life is already stressful enough with school, babysitting, family, etc. but I guess I can push in one more thing. I don't really know why but I always seem to be the kind of person who makes room for one more... Which is not always a good thing. Regardless, I have already sold 4 things and made a pretty fair amount of money considering what I sold. When it came to the shipping part though, I was no less than a newbie. The thought of trying to send something through the mail made me really nervous mainly because I had no idea where to start! Next to that, I didn't want to end up losing money on my end of the deal to pay for shipping.

I'm hoping everything worked out. I got everything packaged up last night and out to the post office this morning via my amazing daddy. If it does, this could really be a quick way to help me save up enough when it comes time for my birthday!